Friday, March 4, 2016

Desperate Defense: The Relief of Kassel, Part 2

With Joe Vandeleur's tanks withdrawn to prevent them from being completely destroyed, an Armored Rifle Company from the 9th Armored Division has moved into position to keep the town defended against the imminent onslaught of another Tankovy Battalion. Will Joe's strategy pay off, and win the Capitalists a resounding victory as well as put them into position to break the encirclement of Kassel, or will the Soviets finally come out on top and pour into West Germany? With both sides having now realized the importance of the coming few battles, there are no company morale checks, as all soldiers are expected to fight to the death for their causes. With that, let the battle begin!

The US forces brace to face the Soviets

 Soviet Turn 1:
Everything moves forward, and air shows up with 2 planes.

The Soviets move to start smashing the defenders

Despite their ambition and massive concentration of firepower, the Reds only manage to gun down one team of rifles, and the air support pins down a platoon. An anticlimactic start to a large and important battle.

US Turn 1
Air shows with two planes, and some M4A3E8s arrive from reserve. They are quickly rushed into the fight against the communists.

The air continues its tradition of doing nothing, but the E8s are able to nail a T-34/85 from across the board. In the center, a lucky bazooka shot bails a T-34. Some very lucky hits this turn.

To be continued...